About Us

Dynamic Capital was founded in 2001 and was bought over by Klopper Besigheids Trust in May 2012 and operates in the South African finance markets (rentals, startups, lease and bridging)

Dynamic Capital is associated the Dynamic Group, which is a well-respected company. A company with solid values and principals, committed to service excellence.

Dynamic Capital will offer a superior service to both suppliers as well as client (end users), with brilliant turnaround time.

Dynamic Capital is a specialist as well as a highly rated and experienced organization in the rental and your other financial/financing needs. Our commitment is to maintaining the best relationships through our superior service.

Dynamic Capital is growing substantially and plays an important role in facilitating financial solutions for corporate and external customers.
Technology Finance
What do we Finance
From basic Office automation to the latest and greatest production ready MFP's Dynamic Capital as a financing solution to fit your needs.
• Office Automation
• Industrial printers
• CCTV & Security
• Medical Equipment
• Dental Equipment
• Telecoms & PABX